Hello and welcome everyone, today’s tutorial we are going to discuss is  how to copy & paste unselectable text from any android app, Yes you heard it right after applying this simple trick you can easily copy paste unselectable text from any Android App.
The tutorial is very easy anyone who has a basic android knowledge can do this trick very easily, Do ask your queries in the comment box and we will try to solve it asap. Comments and suggestions are always welcomed.

Downloads and Requirement??

  • Requires Android 4.1 and up
  • Universal Copy (Download)
How to Copy & Paste Unselectable Text from Any Android App

Step 1: Download, Install and Open Universal Copy.

Step 2: Now Enable Universal Copy > Tap On Open Settings > Turn On Accessibility for Universal Copy and Go Back to the Universal Copy App.

Step 3: For Copying and pasting Text from Any app all you have to do is Open the app from where you want to copy > then pull down the notification drawer and Tap on “Universal Copy”.

Step 4: Now tap on the text that you want to copy and then Tap on the copy icon(located in the upper right part), Now paste it wherever you want. That’s it.

Disclaimer: Every Tutorial is for Informational and Educational Purpose, authors of the tutorials posted are not responsible for any loss. 

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